Everyday thoughts

Created by bhavini12 11 years ago
I think about Mum everyday. The different memories triggered would often bring sadness. More often these days the feelings are not so sad. There was not a topic she didn't have an opinion about. As Rosemary (somewhat reluctantly) said to me one day "She was usually right you know." Every aspect of my life continues to be in someway affected by something she said or did. When I'm teaching, cleaning, parenting - I think about her. I'm reminded of how she did things and what she would say in different situations. She often said she didn't do a good enough job parenting - and from what Mum told me about her mother, Grandma had similar feelings during her own life. I know there are times when I wish I was as patient and reasonable with my children as she was with me. I know Olivia sometimes wishes this too. Even though I miss her so much, I'm glad I think of her often.